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An opaque and impure variety of quartz, usually red in color, used as a gem. PC-486 was named for towns in Alabama, Indiana, and Texas.
(PYc-13: t. 230; 1. 135'; b. 22'8"; dr. 16'6"; s. 13 k.; a. none)
The first Jasper (PYc-13), a diesel-powered yacht, was built as Stranger by Lake Union Dry Dock Co., Seattle, Wash., in 1938; purchased 1 July 1941 from her owner, Fred E. Lewis; renamed Jasper; and placed in service at San Diego 8 July 1941.
After the installation of experimental sound and electronic equipment, Jasper was assigned to the 11th Naval District to perform research work at the Naval Sound Laboratory, San Diego. She continued this important scientific work throughout the war taking part in experiments with radio and sound waves in cooperation with the University of California, Division of War Research. Echo-ranging equipment on board Jasper was used in 1946 to discover a deep 300-mile-wide oceanic layer off the coast of California.
The ship was placed out of service 14 August 1947 at San Diego and turned over to the Maritime Commission for disposal in June 1948.
Murder of James Byrd, Jr.
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murder of James Byrd, Jr., killing of James Byrd, Jr., an African American man, on June 7, 1998, in the East Texas town of Jasper. Byrd was dragged to his death after being chained by the ankles to the back of a pickup truck by three white men ( John William King, Lawrence Russell Brewer, and Shawn Allen Berry).
Byrd was born on May 2, 1949, in Beaumont, Texas, and raised in Jasper. In 1967 Byrd was in the last segregated class to graduate from Jasper’s J.H. Rowe High School before it was consolidated with Jasper High as part of a desegregation plan. He married in 1970 and had three children before divorcing in 1993. Between 1969 and 1996, Byrd was incarcerated several times for various offenses, including theft, forgery, and violation of parole. Byrd was well known around Jasper and could frequently be seen walking about town, as he did not own a car.
Jaspersoft® Studio
TIBCO Jaspersoft ® Studio is editing software for TIBCO JasperReports®. It will help you design and run report templates build report queries write complex expressions layout visual components like 50+ types of charts, maps, tables, crosstabs, and custom visualizations and much more. It integrates TIBCO JasperReports® Server to create powerful report publishing workflows.
With Jaspersoft Studio you can build documents of any complexity from your data—from print-ready in PDFs to interactive masterpieces in dynamic HTML, with navigation to interactive components, like maps and charts that may be inside or outside the report. You can generate high quality OpenOffice, PowerPoint , RTF, Word, and spreadsheet documents or you can generate raw CSV, JSON, or XML documents. It's not difficult to build your own custom exporter to suit any data need.
Using Jaspersoft Studio, you can access different types of data sources, including big data, CSV, Hibernate, Jaspersoft Domain, JavaBeans, JDBC, JSON, NoSQL, TIBCO Spotfire® Information Links, XML, or your own custom data source.
Available as an Eclipse plug-in or a standalone application, Jaspersoft Studio comes in two editions: Community and Professional. The Professional edition includes additional features, like access to Spotfire, maps, and advanced HTML5 charts, as well as professional support.
The Community version of TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio uses the Java Profiler JProfiler tool for performance analysis and tuning.
PYC Youth Sailing 2021
Welcome to the 2021 sailing season. We are looking forward to a good year of being on the water. Youth sailing classes will be held from June to September. The first four classes will have a short (30 minutes) dry-land period, followed by time on the water (90-120 minutes). The fifth class will be a Kid/Parent regatta for the kids to demonstrate their skills. The topics of the class are:
Class 1: Knots and Setting-up boats
Class 2: How to Read the Wind
Class 5: The Kid/Parent Regatta
PYC members, contact Sean Kalic ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) to enroll your children or grandchildren in youth sailing classes.
How did baseball’s seventh-inning stretch originate?
Just like peanuts and Cracker Jack, the seventh-inning stretch is a baseball tradition. Precisely how this custom came about is unknown, but there are several theories. According to one popular tale, William Howard Taft, America’s 27th president, is to thank for the ritual. In 1910, Taft attended the opening-day game of the Washington Senators at Griffith Stadium in the nation’s capital and threw out the ceremonial first pitch (thereby inaugurating the custom of first-pitch tossing by the commander-in-chief). As the story goes, by the seventh inning the president, who tipped the scales at more than 300 pounds, was feeling cramped in his seat and got up to stretch his legs. The crowd, thinking the chief executive was leaving, rose to its feet out of respect𠅊nd the stretch supposedly was born.
Meanwhile, another account holds that a man called Brother Jasper of Mary, the baseball coach and prefect of discipline at New York City’s Manhattan College, invented the ritual when he asked for a timeout in the middle of the seventh inning during a game on a hot day in 1882. Observing that fans were getting antsy, he told them to stand up and stretch. Satisfied with the results, Brother Jasper repeated this practice at subsequent games, and the ritual reportedly moved to the major leagues when Manhattan College played exhibition games against the New York Giants starting in the late 1880s. However, in a letter penned in 1869 by Cincinnati Red Stockings manager Harry Wright, he noted that fans at hometown games got up between the halves of the seventh inning to stretch and in some cases walked around. Matt Rothenberg, manager of the Giamatti Research Center at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, says Wright’s letter is the earliest known reference to stretching activity during the seventh inning. (According to Sports Illustrated, at a game the Red Stockings played on the West Coast that same year there was a 10-minute intermission after the sixth inning, in an effort to get spectators to visit the concessions stand.)
Jasper PYc-13 - History
William E. Hatcher (William Eldridge), 1834-1912
John Jasper: The Unmatched Negro Philosopher and Preacher
New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, c1908.
John Jasper (1812-1901) was a former slave and, for fifty years, a prominent Virginia preacher. He was the youngest of 24 children born to Nina and Phillip Jasper on the Peachy Plantation in Williamsburg, Virginia. John's father was also a well known preacher, so he grew up in the shadow of his father's reputation even though Phillip died two months before Joh-n's birth. While working on a tobacco plantation, John Jasper had a major conversion experience and his master encouraged him to share it with everyone, so he spent his life spreading the good news of Christianity. Jasper married, but when he was sold away the day after their marriage and his wife married another man with permission from Jasper. Jasper later married a second wife, Candus Jordan, and they had nine children together. During this time, he preached throughout Southern Virginia. He was the founder of the 6th Mount Zion Baptist Church, where he preached until his death.
Reverend William Eldridge Hatcher (1834-1912) graduated from Richmond College in 1858 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. In addition to significant involvement in religious movements, he helped found the Philologian Literary Society. Hatcher was also granted multiple honorary degrees from Denison University, Colgate University, and Richmond, where he served on the College's Board of Trustees for 42 years. During that time he served as a Pastor at a number of Churches and was a minister for the Mt. Herman Baptist Church in Virginia. When Hatcher's landlady's son begged Hatcher to accompany him on a trip to see Jasper preach, Hatcher first "felt the mastery and the subduing sovereignty of the man" (p. 157). Hatcher wrote many books besides John Jasper:The Unmatched Negro Philosopher and Preacher , including Life of J. B. Jeter, Along the Trail of the Friendly Years, and The Pastor and the Sunday School.
Hatcher begins his biography of Jasper by noting that "He was one of a class,--without pedigree, and really without successors, except that he was so dominant and infectious that numbers of people affected his ways and dreamed that they were one of his sort" (p. 7). Jasper was just one of twenty four children, and one of the many slaves working on Mr. Peachy's plantation, but he was also unique in that he felt called of God to preach the word. Hatcher claims that Jasper was the "last of his type, and we shall not look upon his like again" (p. 15). This biography does not provide a complete chronology of Jasper's life, consisting instead of a few "vagrant articles which find their kinship only in the fact that they present some distinct view of a man" (p. 15).
After a brief chapter on Jasper's childhood and family, Hatcher introduces Jasper by way of the conversion experience which is a turning point in Jasper's life. Jasper believed that "God had put him into the ministry" and called him in a manner that was "so reverential, so full of noble assertion and so irresistibly eloquent . . . that even his most sceptical critics were constrained to admit that, like John the Baptist, he was 'a man sent from God'" (p. 23-24). Hatcher presents Jasper's conversion narrative and sermons in dialect rather than in standardized English, giving insight into what it might feel like to hear Jasper tell his story in person.
Jasper was looking for religious certainty when God moved him. One particularly difficult morning, as he was stemming tobacco and feeling particularly depressed, "de light broke I was light as a feather my feet was on de mount'n salvation rol'd like a flood thru my soul, an' I felt as if I could 'nock off de fact'ry roof wid my shouts' (p. 25). He was so excited that he could not hold it in and he was taken to the master of the plantation, who instructed him, in Jasper's words, "Aft'r you git thru tellin' it here at de fact'ry, go up to de house, an' tell your folks go roun' to your neighbours, an' tell dem go enywhere you wan' to, an' tell de good news" (p. 28). It was this instruction that allowed Jasper to preach in the manner that he did. Slaves were not generally allowed to preach, a restriction which constrained the ministry of Jasper's father. But with his master's approval, Jasper preached often to his fellow slaves.
Hatcher believes that "It is as a preacher that John Jasper is most interesting," (p. 36) so he concentrates his efforts on Jasper and the pulpit. As the first 25 years of Jasper's ministry took place before slavery was abolished, he was limited to preaching at funerals. But slave funerals were a "pageant" (p. 37) that came from the traditions of African beliefs and ceremonies and this is where Jasper thrived. "Jasper was a master from the outset at this work," (p. 38) and was called to officiate at slave funerals throughout the surrounding country.
Though Hatcher only heard a single sermon by Jasper, he spoke to many witnesses of other sermons and includes their commentary on Jasper in his biography. The testimony of Virginia Adams, like others, is included as "simply the unmethodical testimony of a sensible woman, bearing about it the marks of sincerity, intelligence, and reverential affection" (p. 76). As a means of presenting Jasper's essence directly to the audience, Hatcher chooses to present reproductions of Jasper's preaching in a manner that captures the non-standard aspects of his colloquial speech. Among the sermons that Hatcher included in his biography were selections titled "whar sin kim frum?"(p. 47) and "dem sebum wimmin"(p. 89).
The conclusion that Hatcher comes to is that Jasper was a "Valiant, heroic old man! He stood in his place and was not afraid. He gave his message in no uncertain words--scourged error wherever it exposed its front stood sentinel over the word of God and was never caught sleeping at his post" (p. 182). Jasper's conviction and faith is evidenced through the multiple visions we are given of this great man's conversion, his preaching, and his ministering to those in need.
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Jasper, opaque, fine-grained or dense variety of the silica mineral chert that exhibits various colours. Chiefly brick red to brownish red, it owes its colour to admixed hematite but when it occurs with clay admixed, the colour is a yellowish white or gray, or with goethite a brown or yellow. Jasper, long used for jewelry and ornamentation, has a dull lustre but takes a fine polish its hardness and other physical properties are those of quartz (see silica mineral [table]).
The name jasper is from the Greek iaspis, of Semitic origin in ancient writings the term was chiefly applied to translucent and brightly coloured stones, particularly chalcedony, but also was applied to the opaque jasper. Medicinal values were long attributed to jasper, including a belief that wearing it strengthened the stomach.
Jasper is common and widely distributed, occurring chiefly as veinlets, concretions, and replacements in sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, as in the Urals, North Africa, Sicily, Germany, and elsewhere. Some varieties are colour-banded, and beautiful examples of jasperized fossil wood are found in Arizona, U.S. Jasper is also common as detrital pebbles.
For thousands of years, black jasper (and also black slate) was used to test gold-silver alloys for their gold content. Rubbing the alloys on the stone, called a touchstone, produces a streak the colour of which determines the gold content within one part in one hundred.
Important News
Okatie, SC June 16, 2021 – Approximately 70 citizens registered for a virtual community meeting regarding Beaufort-Jasper Water and Sewer Authority’s (BJWSA) most recent efforts to improve service to the Town of Bluffton. Director of Engineering Rebecca Bowyer, P.E., described the capital project, which is intended to make more water available to customers in the Buckwalter area and steady water pressures throughout the system during daily demands.
The project consists of new 24-inch and 36-inch diameter water mains along Okatie Highway and Bluffton Parkway. The 36-inch water main will also extend across Buckwalter Parkway to a new 1.5-million-gallon elevated water storage tank.
Water models and studies were used to define the project. An evaluation was completed to determine the general location of the tank site using criteria such as zoning, ground elevation, visibility, hydraulic performance, acquisition and environmental concerns. Once a general area was identified near the intersection of Buckwalter Parkway and Bluffton Parkway, additional investigation was completed to identify a preferred site. Consideration was given in this area to existing developments, existing power lines and the proposed Bluffton Parkway Extension.
BJWSA will continue its efforts to incorporate stakeholder input into the project design. Stakeholders include the Town of Bluffton, the public, Beaufort County, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT).
Permitting and final design plans will be finalized over the summer. Construction of the water main is anticipated to begin in September and be completed by July 2022. Construction of the elevated water storage tank is expected to run December 2021 through March 2023.
BJWSA is hiring for the position of Customer Service Representative
BJWSA responds to wastewater release in Hardeeville
(Okatie, South Carolina) – June 13, 2021 – Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA) reports that an estimated 75,000 gallons of wastewater overflowed from the pump station at 31918 Whyte Hardee Boulevard, just south of intersection of Hwy 278 and Whyte Hardee Boulevard. The overflow started around 6 pm Wednesday, June 9 and ended around 2:30 pm June 12, due to a pump failure.
BJWSA crews immediately responded and have taken the appropriate cleanup/repair action to stop the overflow, which was contained to a wooded area south and east of the pump station. Crews recovered one load of sewer adjacent to the pump station prior to rain beginning, at which point the SSO became unrecoverable. Signs were posted in the area to inform the public.
BJWSA has notified the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC), and is working in conjunction with SCDHEC to address any effects caused by the overflow.
BJWSA has a well-trained and experienced field operations crew to monitor our wastewater collection system. These crews maintain the sewer lines to ensure the safe daily delivery of an average of 10 million gallons of wastewater to eight wastewater treatment facilities for treatment and disposal.
If you see or suspect any type of spill from the sewer collection system, please contact BJWSA at 987-9200.
For more information, please visit www.bjwsa.org.
Public Board Meeting to be held 8am, Thursday 6/24
Consumer Academy is now available online!
BJWSA applauds agreement with Kimberly-Clark Cottonelle© Flushable Wipes regarding municipal “flushability” standard
Okatie, SC June 9, 2021 – Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA) is among many sewer utilities that have struggled for years with clogs, equipment failures and sewer overflows due to unsuitable personal care and other wipe products being flushed into their municipal sewer systems.
Recently, Charleston Water System (CWS) and the Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KC) reached an agreement wherein, by May 2022, KC’s Cottonelle® Flushable Wipes will adhere to a standard for “dispersability” developed by the municipal wastewater industry. This move helps to minimize impacts to public sewers, reduce sewer treatment costs and sewer overflows. KC produces Cottonelle® Flushable Wipes in South Carolina at their Beech Island plant in Aiken County.
Based upon independent testing performed for CWS, it appears that KC’s Cottonelle® Flushable Wipes already dissolve far more readily than other so-called “flushable” wipes tested by experts on behalf of the Charleston Water System. KC will bolster its commitment by agreeing to several years of independent testing to verify that its flushable wipes continue to meet the sewer treatment industry’s flushability standard.
KC also agrees to critical public education steps, including product-labeling specifications for both its flushable and non-flushable wipes. This labeling program will facilitate public understanding as to which of KC’s wipes are safe to flush. BJWSA encourages other
US-based wipes manufacturers to follow this industry-leading labeling program.
BJWSA calls upon all other flushable wipe manufacturers in the United States to follow KC’s lead and to commit to produce personal care wipe products that meet the municipal wastewater industry’s flushability standard, or to cease labeling their products as being “flushable” or “safe for sewer systems.”
“We applaud the Charleston Water System for their work with Kimberly-Clark in taking this giant step that will result in cost savings and protect the environment,” says BJWSA General Manager Joe Mantua, PE. “This action opens the door for others to help eliminate an industry challenge we have faced for many years.”
Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority to hold virtual public meeting regarding Bluffton improvements
(Okatie, SC June 8, 2021) – Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA) Engineering Department will hold a virtual public meeting Tuesday, June 15 at 6 pm, to present plans for the Bluffton infrastructure improvements. Register for the meeting at https://bjwsa_bluffton.eventbrite.com.
This project consists of a new 36-inch transmission line and a new elevated water storage tank, located near the storage units at the intersection of Buckwalter Parkway and Bluffton Parkway. These improvements keep BJWSA in compliance with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) requirements.
Benefits include an increase in water flow and consistency of water pressure throughout the service area, improved service to customers and an increase in capacity for emergencies such as fire protection. Additionally, these improvements will allow the authority to maintain a high ISO rating for the fire departments, which translates to insurance rate savings for customers.
Useful Commands
Connecting to Rubrik via Powershell
- Download and install the Rubrik PowerShell addon:
- Once downloaded, open PowerShell and connect to your Rubrik:
Editing Enable storage array integration on all virtual machines
Connect to the Rubrik run the command below to enable storage array integration on all virtual machines:
- If you wish to disable storage array integration on all virtual machine run the following command:
Depending on how many virtual machines you are backing up this may take some time.
Jasper County, Indiana
Located in the northwest corner of the state, Jasper County was established in 1838 and (as of 2010) is home to over 33,000 people. The county seat, Rensselaer, is the home of Saint Joseph's College.
Our goal is to enhance citizen awareness of the services and programs that the County has to offer and increase public involvement and appreciation for Jasper County government.
Guidance from the Indiana Department of Health and the CDC regarding MASKS:
If you are a fully vaccinated individual, it is no longer recommended that you wear a mask and social distance. If you are an unvaccinated individual it is still strongly recommended that you continue to wear a mask while out in public and/or attend any social gatherings. 6 foot social distancing is also strongly recommended for those unvaccinated.
Masks are still mandated to be worn in schools until June 30 th , Covid testing sites, Covid vaccination sites, state prisons, state hospitals, VA hospitals, and Indiana Police Academy per the Governor&rsquos executive order as of June 1 st .
The Jasper County Health Department
For a list of Departments and phone numbers, please click on Government, then Departments.
The covid-19 vaccine is now offered at the following pharmacies.
Remanufactured Transmissions FAQ
Used components are generally pulled directly from a junkyard vehicle and typically do not even receive a surface cleaning. Used transmissions are normally not disassembled, internally cleaned, or inspected. Used or junkyard components often have high mileage along with a poor history of maintenance – this can be a failure waiting to happen. Many used or junkyard components come from a vehicle that was involved in an accident. If this is the case, the transmission may have unseen damage.
Rebuilding involves reconditioning by cleaning, inspecting and replacing broken or severely worn parts. Serviceable parts are generally reused within the manufacturer’s acceptable wear limits. Rebuilt components quality can vary widely and many rebuilt products come with only a short term warranty.
To remanufacture is to make as closely to new as possible. All core material – case, extension housing, pump, valve body, converter and various internal components - are carefully inspected, checked against original equipment measured specifications for correct dimensional tolerances and precisely remanufactured to ensure proper operating pressures. Replacement parts are new or requalified to meet exacting standards and tolerances. Testing of the transmission is performed to manufacturer measured specifications as well as original production standards.
What is the warranty on a JASPER remanufactured transmission?
Most JASPER ® Remanufactured Transmission applications are covered by a 3 Year/100,000 mile (whichever occurs first) nationwide warranty – parts and labor. Ambulance, automotive off-highway use, package delivery, police, snow removal, taxi, tow truck, transit bus or any vehicle over 1 ton receive a warranty of 18 Months or 100,000 Miles, whichever occurs first. You can find a full warranty disclosure on this website.
Where can I find a price for a JASPER remanufactured transmission?
You can obtain a price on a JASPER transmission through several options. We encourage you to speak about pricing information with the automotive technician that services your vehicle. If you do not have a service facility that you work with on a regular basis, you can find an Installer near you with our Installer Locator. JASPER also offers an online catalog with pricing information for most applications. Finally, we have a courteous and friendly Sales Department that will provide pricing and any additional information that you may need. Our Sales Department can be reached at 800-827-7455.
Where can I purchase your transmissions and transfer cases?
If you are an installation facility, fleet or other commercial user, you can contact our Sales Department at 800-827-7455. If you are a vehicle owner, you can purchase JASPER remanufactured transmissions and transfer cases from the automotive service facility that you frequent. If you don’t have a service facility that you work with on a regular basis, you can find a JASPER installer near you with our Installer Locator.
Where can I find an installer?
You can find a JASPER installer near you through our Installer Locator. Type in your Zip Code and select the distance. You can also choose the option of locating an installer for either vehicle or marine applications.
Do you offer a reman transmission for my vehicle?
Chances are very good that we have a remanufactured transmission and/or transfer case for your vehicle application. JASPER remanufactures practically any domestic transmission for cars, trucks, vans and SUVs, and for a number of foreign applications as well. We also remanufacture transmissions used for performance, industrial and even for numbers matching restoration projects.
How quickly can I get a transmission for my vehicle?
Most popular transmission applications are in stock so we can normally have the transmission at your installer’s location within a day or two. If we have to build a transmission for your particular application, we can generally have it within a week. JASPER has 48 branch locations and two distribution centers throughout the country to provide fast and ready availability to get you back on the road fast.
What is a core policy?
All JASPER remanufactured transmissions have a core and skid charge that is billed at the time of sale. When the core is returned, a JASPER Associate will review it and determine the amount to be credited back to the customer’s account. The core that is returned to us must be a like-for-like Make, Model and Type, but not a junkyard core. Cores must be returned drained of all fluids and oil, assembled and attached to the same undamaged skid or container in which your remanufactured transmission was shipped. Cores must be returned within 30 days of the delivery date in order to receive credit. The full core credit will be given unless certain damages and exceptions noted in our core policy are found.
What is the core policy on your transmissions?
The core policy on our reman transmissions varies according to a number of parameters. It is best to speak to one of our sales representatives for information as it relates to your specific transmission application.
Do you charge freight?
Most of our transmissions will ship freight free, via our company owned over-the-road fleet, to one of our branch locations. Transmissions are then delivered to one of our installers in your area. There are times when freight charges apply. One of our Sales Representatives can provide specific information. Please call 800-827-7455.